Saving Sims 3 Family to Be Used Again
The Sims 3 Household Guide
Changing Families, Switching Between Sims, and Moving Sims In/Out
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Edit Town | Edit Lots | Houses | Households | Basements/Multistory | Garages | Rooms |
Pools | Roofs | Slopes | Stairs/Elevators | Wall Curving | Moving | Switch 'hoods |
This Guide will help players unfamiliar with edit town and cheating to know their options for controlling households in The Sims 3. The game gives you multiple options for moving Sims in and out and switching active households. We'll discuss these options through gameplay, cheating, and the Edit Town interface while also touching on the maximum family size rules with or without The Sims 3 Pets Expansion.
Household Mechanics and Funds
You can control only one Household at a time in The Sims 3. Households share funds among the group. Every purchase is made from the Sims' family funds and any money that is made will go to this bank account. Each Household in town has its own funds. These are mentioned as they are relevant to moving. When moving, only homes that your family can afford will be shown on the neighborhood map. If you move a Sim out and make its Household active, you will have the previous family's funds available to you, perhaps including the value of their home and furnishings if you've sold them off in the move.
Maximum Household Size with/without Pets
The most Sims you can have in a Household is 8. With The Sims 3 Pets Expansion Pack, you can have a maximum of 6 Pets. The Max number of both Pets and Sims combined in one Household is 10, but you cannot exceed 8 Sims or 6 Pets even if you're under the cap of 10. Minor Pets like birds don't count. The term Household is distinct from Family, in that a Sim can have an unlimited number of relations throughout the neighborhood once Sims have moved out of the home to lead their own lives.
You may switch your control between different families as follows:
Changing to Another Household - the Switch Households Button
Someone wrote in and asked for a cheat to control more than one family at once in The Sims 3, and while that option is not available I was able to enlighten them to this ability. First, save your game then click '...' to access the game menu. From there, click Edit Town. At the top of the left menu, you can choose to Change Active Household then pick a house, or select a house with Sims already living there and use the menu as pictured above to select Switch to this Household.
Sims not in the active household will continue to live their lives and you may find them in bad shape when you switch and take control. Saving the neighborhood as usual will save both families' progress at once, as the game does keep track of the current job/income and relationship status between Sims when you switch. However, any moodlets and wishes will be lost when you make the change. It is worth it for someone who would like to make changes to Sims in another home before returning to control the original household.
Moving Sims In
There are several options for moving Sims into the house, depending where they are when you want to move them. To move a Sim into your household through gameplay, build up a high enough romantic or friendly relationship with them and ask through friendly social interactions. You may need to do some friendly/romantic interactions first in order to get the option to come up. Click to learn more about Friends, Romance, and Social Interactions.
To move a Sim or Pet in with Edit Town, you have several options. First, Sims that are saved to the bin, either your creations or Sims/Families that you have downloaded, can be moved into your active Household by selecting them then choosing Place Copy. You can merge one or more members of the bin family to your household by clicking the green icon over your Sim's house. If you don't want all of them, you'll need to click the house once it's done Processing the move and click Split Up Household, which will let you pick another home for Sims in that house and choose what Sims stay behind. Sims that live in other homes in your neighborhood can be moved in like this, as you need only click their home then select Merge from the menu that comes up. Use Split Up Household afterward to remove the Sims you don't want to live with your active family. If you want only one or a few Sims from a family that is saved to the bin and can't split them up because the families' combined numbers are too large for the max 8 Sims, you will need to edit that family and click individual Sims and save them one at a time as individuals to the bin then use place copy on each to put them in your Household.
Using Cheat Codes is another option for moving Sims in. Hit Control + Shift + C on PC or Command + Shift + C on Mac to bring up the Cheat Console. Type testingcheatsenabled true and press Enter. Now you only need Shift + left-click on a Sim in the game and select Add to Active Household.
Moving Sims Out or Moving to a New Home
The above options for Edit Town apply here. You can use Split Up Household or Merge to move a Sim out. Split Up Household will not give you a destination for the Sim moving out, while Merge will let you move that Sim in with another existing Household in town. If you want a Sim to move into an empty house, you'll have to do it through gameplay. This is also how you would Move to a new house in the neighborhood once you have the money to do so. In the normal game, select the Sim's cell phone from the inventory and choose Real Estate and Travel Services. From there, pick Move and select a house. Make sure that 'Make Active Household' is checked on the family you want to control. The options for houses will vary based on your family budget. If everyone is leaving, you'll get to sell the house and furniture, or put the furniture in the Family Inventory which can be found in Buy Mode.
Evicting Families
If a Sim or family controls a home you want for your own Sims, you can go into Edit Town from the game menu and use the Evict option. You can then use the Move option on your Sim's phone to buy the house if you have enough money. If not, make some money.
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Edit Town | Edit Lots | Houses | Households | Basements/Multistory | Garages | Rooms |
Pools | Roofs | Slopes | Stairs/Elevators | Wall Curving | Moving | Switch 'hoods |
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