How to Hide an Ip Address on Fivem

Proxy Setup

At times, it may be desirable to have a reverse proxy in front of your server instance. This guide will discuss the requirements for such a setup.

Connection process

The client->server connection process is as follows:

  1. Client resolves the connect endpoint from the join interaction. This can be any of the following:
    • The connectEndPoints field in the server listing output.
    • The server address cached by the join URL subsystem.
    • The raw IP, host or URL entered in a connect command.
  2. Client retrieves general server metadata via a GET /info.json on the connect endpoint.
  3. Client attempts an initConnect request to the connect endpoint's POST /client.
  4. If server accepts client, it'll send a connection token to client.
  5. Client requests getEndpoints on the connect endpoint, receiving one or more IP/port combos. If multiple are specified, it will pick one to use as the server endpoint.
  6. Client requests getConfiguration on the server endpoint. This will then result in one or more requests to GET /files/* on either the server endpoint or a file server override.
  7. Client sends a UDP info request to the server endpoint.
  8. Client sends an ENet connect request, as well as a UDP handshake to the server endpoint. If accepted, the client now has an ENet peer.
  9. Client starts loading the game.
  10. Client potentially opens additional sideband TCP/UDP channels to the server endpoint, potentially using other protocols via the multiplex.

Proxy types

There are two different reverse proxy types that would make sense in this system, and either can be set up independently from the other.

One is the connect endpoint, which can be replaced with any commodity HTTPS reverse proxy/load balancer on port 443, leading to the actual server's TCP port. The other is the server endpoint, which needs a raw TCP/UDP proxy on matching ports leading to the actual server's TCP/UDP port.

Connect proxy

For a connection proxy, a setup like the following could work (based on a community guide):

  • Cloudflare set up with a domain you own, adding an entry for, say, as a proxied A/CNAME record to a machine you control.
  • nginx installed on the user-controlled machine (which does not have to be the main server: it can be a budget VPS running Linux even for a Windows server), having a host entry for, as follows:
                  upstream backend {     # use the actual server IP here, or if separate, a proxy server     server; }  # assuming this path exists proxy_cache_path /srv/cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=assets:48m max_size=20g inactive=2h;  server {     listen 443 ssl http2;     listen [::]:443 ssl http2;      server_name;      # this can also be a Cloudflare origin certificate if you're using CF     ssl_certificate /path/to/certificate.pem;     ssl_certificate_key /path/to/privkey.pem;      location / {         proxy_set_header Host $host;         proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;         proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;         # required to pass auth headers correctly         proxy_pass_request_headers on;         # required to not make deferrals close the connection instantly         proxy_http_version 1.1;         proxy_pass http://backend;     }      # extra block for a caching proxy     location /files/ {         proxy_pass http://backend$request_uri;         add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;         proxy_cache_lock on;         proxy_cache assets;         proxy_cache_valid 1y;         proxy_cache_key $request_uri$is_args$args;         proxy_cache_revalidate on;         proxy_cache_min_uses 1;     } }                          
  • The following values in your server configuration:
                                  # prevents the server list from advertising your server using its actual IP                                                                set                                  sv_forceIndirectListing                                true                                                                # makes the server list backend request `` instead of the default                                                                set                                  sv_listingHostOverride                                ""                                                                # a space-separated list of IPv4 networks in CIDR notation to allow 'X-Real-IP'                                                                # from, as well as bypass the rate limiter                                                                set                                  sv_proxyIPRanges                                ""                                                                # the actual endpoint your server is hosted on, or one                                                                # or multiple server endpoint proxies as noted below                                                                set                                  sv_endpoints                                ""                                                                # some guides also mention `sv_listingIpOverride`, this value is only needed if the server list backend                                                                # can't guess the IP to query itself, and is not provided to any front-end connection.                                                                #                                                                # this is usually the case for systems with multiple IPs, or if the server is firewalled off for all hosts except                                                                # a server proxy.                                                          
  • If wanting to set up a caching proxy too, the following would be helpful as well:
                                  # obfuscates files with a global key, instead of a per-client key                                                                set                                  adhesive_cdnKey                                "yourSecret"                                                                # adds a file server for 'all' resources                                                fileserver_add                                ".*"                                                ""                                                          

A working setup of this example would have the following URLs accessible correctly in the browser:

  • (should show '/client is POST only')

Note that, at this time, connect command usage has to use connect "" or a join URL, it will not attempt to look up a bare domain as a URL.

Server proxy

If you also wish to proxy the raw TCP/UDP endpoints, the Nginx 'stream' module can be used as follows (this is not valid in a typical sites-enabled file, it has to be directly in a conf.d or nginx.conf):

          stream {     upstream backend {         server;     }     server { 		listen 30120; 		proxy_pass backend; 	} 	server { 		listen 30120 udp reuseport; 		proxy_pass backend; 	} }                  

When setting this up, also configure sv_endpoints appropriately.

Advanced setups

This setup can have a few variations as well:

  • One could add the load balancer to a Kubernetes cluster as a proper ingress.
  • If specifying a proper location block (e.g. a regular expression), the domain could be shared with, say, a web site.
  • Implementing a custom handler for /client initConnect requests and delegating a successful connection to the actual backend server's initConnect sequence. This could be used for a server picker or some other creative things.

How to Hide an Ip Address on Fivem


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