Diet and Exercise to Lose Chest Fat


Men's guidelines to lose chest fat and man boobs quickly

Men's guidelines to lose chest fat and man boobs quickly

This article is very much a man's article. It addresses a very sensitive point. Read it to get a complete guide of how to lose man boobs or chest fat.

Has the chest fat worried you? It can be embarrassing for many men to take off upper garments publicly.

Bodybuilders are just the reverse. They search for the moment to take their shirt off. They want to show off the result of hours of bench press.

During my childhood days, I had lots of chest fat and that too above the lower pecs. It looks ugly.


Strictly speaking gynaecomastia or man boobs are of 3 types :

  • Just fat
  • Breast tissues
  • Combination of both

Do you know that 30 percent of men experience gynecomastia some time in their life? The most common points of life to experience gynecomastia are infancy, puberty, and between the ages of 50 and 80. It's a sign of high oestrogen and lowered testosterone.

So what should you do to get rid of these and get a manly, muscular chest?

Read below the 5 point solution :

  1. Calories deficit :

    This is how you lose fat, simple. Without less calorie intake than expenditure, nothing is going to happen. Read my blog Beginner's workout for fat loss for details. Go for 500 to 1000 Kcal deficit than your daily requirement. Calculate it from the Easy Fitness Idea Calculator .

    You will lose fat from the whole body by such a diet. The resistant fats,  like love handles, may stay. But you will find the chest fat disappearing fast. All you need is calorie deficit.

    But mark my words, this is not always easy. As you diet for a few days, your metabolism may go down. You need to do a lot of modifications. But that's another story to be discussed.

  2. Correct chest exercises :

    Now this is a tricky point where lots of newbies get it wrong. Chest exercises should be targeted towards building mass by pectoralis major hypertrophy. Don ' t think doing chest workouts will help you reducing chest fat!!!

    Chest contains upper, middle and lower part of pectoralis major muscle. For man boobs and fat around the nipples, the lower pecs are important. We shall concentrate on those exercises here…

    • Bench press or dumbbell press – even machine chest press can help too.
    • Decline bench press/decline dumbbell press – even more lower pec specific than flat bench press
    • Cable crossover
    • Bent over dips – trunk bent forward
    • Push ups – inclined push ups, to be more specific

    Now don't get me wrong. Even dumbbell pullovers, heavy benching, weighted pushups, and weighted, stooping dips will hit those lower pecs. Just carry on with the progressive overload principle and see the results. If you are a newbie and follow the principles correctly, you will see fast results.

    This helps in another way. As you lose fat by calorie deficit, chest may seem saggy. This needs to be filled up by muscles by doing those workouts.

  3. Increase your testosterone :

    This is particularly important in your middle age. After 40, testosterone level may go down and you may see lots of older people getting a fat body as well as the chest. Do the following for increased 'T' :

    • Have a good 8-9 hours of sound sleep. Most important as testosterone secretion occurs mostly at that time!
    • Get rid of stress. Easier said than done!
    • Have a balanced diet with higher carbs and calories. Long diets with restricted carbs and overall calories may lead to less testosterone.
    • Stay active. Move around… Don't be a couch potato!
    • Few vitamins, supplements and micronutrients can help. Notable amongst them are – zinc, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin D3 etc.
    • Reduce weight. Simply losing fat can help.
    • Do regular exercises. Try leg exercises and heavy compound movements. The lower body workouts helps in testosterone release.
  4. Decrease your body oestrogen level :

    Oestrogen is the female hormone that you do not need. During childhood or with age, oestrogen  to testosterone ratio starts getting higher. You need to be cautious of that.

    Oestrogen containing foods like soya, tofu, legumes and even commercial dairy needs to be avoided.

    Let me tell you some amazing proven facts… Water from plastic bottles and the pesticides in the food can also increase oestrogen! Even alcohol may cause a lot of damage . Check the man boobs of most of the beer addict!

    Instead, try those foods which will do the reverse, i.e. decrease the oestrogen amount of your body. The good news is that a few foods can also help you decrease oestrogen of your body. Important amongst them are :

    • Start eating organic food – Most important
    • Cruciferous vegetables – cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels etc.
    • Mushrooms
    • Few fruits like pomegranate, red grapes
    • Turmeric – the curcumin helps
    • Drink green tea
  5. Take exogenous testosterone or medicine support :

    Now this is the most controversial and abused way to increase your sagging testosterone level. Simply loading up the syringe and getting weekly shots! Lots of bodybuilders, powerlifters, sports guys, athletes etc. try these out! Beware… Don't copy.

    Do not try it without recommendations of a doctor, experienced in this. External testosterone is recommended in few medical vases of debility, HIV, cancer, elderly people with low free testosterone level and so on.

    Testosterone injection or even it's synthetic analogies can wreak havoc. It may shut down your body testosterone production and lead to even higher growth of man boobs. Don't commit such mistakes. Steroids are banned, be careful!

    Instead, a few medications can help like Tamoxifen, Anastrozole, Letrozole, Raloxifen, etc. These are all antiestrogenic medicines which has to be used by a doctor, acquainted with these. Never, ever self medicate! For those taking steroids and having man boobs, these are the meds used for PCT (Post Cycle Therapy).

    Conclusion :

So that's the solution. If you can categorically follow them, you need not worry. You can easily lose your chest fat or man boobs within a few months if you are a beginner. Body will respond to all your changes very quickly. But if you still find it difficult, do not worry. I am there to help you out. Contact me for proper guidance.


Diet and Exercise to Lose Chest Fat


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